I love how Daphne is going down the slide with her arms up. She is such a little daredevil. I try not to be a helicopter mom as much as possible, but she makes that very difficult. Our summer projects are progressing at an impressively slow rate. We are working on a brick walkway from our house to our garage and driveway. It is always so muddy in that area, so we are trying to make it so it isn't such an eye sore. We got the bricks from Tate's parents. They tore down an old barn at their house and it had a brick foundation. We knew that we wanted to utilize them at our house somehow, so his dad started collecting them for us. One by one, he put them in his truck and neatly stacked them in the grain bin until we could get them. His parents are so good to us! I should have gotten on Pinterest to see all of the different brick patterns but I just started laying them down and liked the looks of it, so we went with it. As I was laying these bricks it reminded me of a story about my dad. When I was about 10 years old, we were all talking about Halloween costumes. He said that he and mom were actually going to dress up that year and I was so excited about it! I asked what they were going to be and he said, "Your mom is going to go as a brick and I'm going to go as a brick layer." I didn't understand the joke for several years, but it made me laugh 20 years later.
This is our progress so far. We are going to have to do something different because the curve is a little too sharp and it doesn't look right with our pattern. As we were getting closer and closer to the curve and the end, it reminded me of elementary school where you went to write a really large word on paper and then ran out of space at the end. #FAIL. Also, this has been one house project where we have worked very good together. I remember hanging a gallery wall in our house and said, "If you don't feel like divorcing your spouse after hanging a gallery wall, you're doing it wrong." :)
The weather we are having is making me crave ALL the fall comfort foods. Tonight we had meatloaf, squash, mashed potatoes and peas. It was divine. Homemade noodles are in the near future if this weather stays! Lately, I have been working on being the healthiest version of myself by exercising and making better food choices, so this fall and winter will be tough for me!
Tate and I just got Netflix and I am so excited about it. Welcome to 2017, Christensens. I feel like everyone had Netflix except us. If anyone has any good Netflix recommendations please message me! We have canceled our cable the past two summers just because we don't use it that much and it saves us a little extra money. Plus, one can only watch so much IPTV (sorry, friend that works for IPTV) so I love how it promotes more outside time! We do turn our cable back on as soon as college football starts so that Tate can coach the Hawkeyes from the couch. I love it when he says "we" and "us" as he talks about the Hawks...it gives me so much ammo. I'm such a bitch. I hope you all had the best week. Enjoy the rest of the weekend! XOXO