Technically, this is our second trip. But the first one almost scarred Tate and me for life because Daphne was about a month old and screamed for approximately one hour straight in the car. I honestly think Tate debated scheduling a vasectomy the next day. Fast forward almost three years later and here we were, about to embark on our second car trip longer than three hours. I think both of us were nervous since our first experience was less than pleasant.
One of my best friends just moved to a house on a lake up near Madison, Wisconsin. When I say just moved, I really do mean just in about 2-3 weeks ago. But, with best friends, there are no boundaries, right?? I've gone to visit her on a couple of girls trips but this time I wanted the whole family to go. Madison is such an awesome town with so much to do, whether it be a girls weekend or a mini family vacay!
We arrived at around 5 o'clock in the evening. Her hubby was grilling burgers and hot dogs while we unpacked the car. We pretty much immediately went down to their amazing dock that has a view of the capital building along with the pretty skyline. It was so peaceful and relaxing. After dinner, we tried our hand at fishing off the dock and Libby was bound and determined to catch a fish. Somehow, she managed to catch about four fish and they would seriously finagle their way off the hook somehow right as she was pulling them up to the dock. She finally got one though and she was so excited!
Shortly after that, there were a bunch of ducks and geese around the dock. Daphne and I went down to check them out since they were so close and she loved it. I love listening to her talk to the animals. She talks with such authority sometimes. She kept saying, "Get ova herrrrrrre ya duck!" and "Do you want some cackers (crackers) duck?" We finished the first night with s'mores around the fire and several thousand of our mosquito friends decided to join the party. I think my friend and I probably had around 50 bites between the two of us (I wish I was exaggerating).
The next morning we went to this little playground on the beach. It was so cute and the real show stopper was a two person swing that the girls and I loved. WHY DON'T THEY HAVE THOSE EVERYWHERE?! Seriously, it was so much more fun getting to swing with them than having to just stand there and push. After the playground and beach, we came back for lunch. She had originally planned for BLT's but the guys added turkey, and we decided to one-up them and add turkey AND avocado. Game changer. I'm not sure I will ever have a regular BLT ever again. Tate usually goes the BMT route--bacon, mayonnaise and turkey whereas I go more traditional. Are you Team Tate or Team Chelsea when it comes to a BLT? If you aren't Team Chelsea then GTFO my blog. Kidding.
My friend knows the way to my heart and she made sure to plan a stop at the world's best (and probably only) bait + ice cream shoppe. Of course the girls picked out the darkest color of ice cream. I'm thankful it matched their dresses to camouflage the stains. It was bath night even if it wasn't bath night. If you don't want ice cream while you are buying bait, what kind of a monster are you? I think all specialty shops should just start selling ice cream. Sporting Goods + Ice Cream. Shoes + Ice Cream. Swimsuits + ...okay wait, scratch that idea. I'm not sure about the worm selection, but the ice cream variety at this place was second to most. Haha, I laugh at my jokes so often and they aren't even that good. I wish you all could see how many times I giggle after typing something that only 3% of readers will find funny. I'm also joking about the shop, the variety of ice cream was good. I ended up getting a vanilla with fudge, chocolate and caramel swirled in because I'm focusing on perfecting my mom body. Tate copied me because he always does and the girls picked out a pomegranate Greek yogurt variety. #Proud They didn't pick it out for the health benefits, they WANTED RED ICE CREAM....WIF SPRINKLES. Daphne yelled that several times while we were in there. I just acted like she wasn't my kid.
The next day, we took the kids to the zoo. It is a free zoo and it's actually pretty good! When my friend told me the zoo was free, she heard the tone in my voice of my reaction and had to defend it saying, "It's pretty good!" Tate was making comments that they probably only had one animal so I said, it must be a shih tzu. And he looked at me like I was the most unintelligent person on the planet. Sometimes I wonder if he doesn't get my jokes or just really doesn't find them funny. It's probably the latter. Anyway, the free zoo...I had my doubts, but my friend was right. It was great. Daphne calls all tigers "Shere Khan" in the mean tiger on the Jungle Book. It is seriously her favorite Disney character. I mean, why couldn't it at least be the nice, gentle tiger from Aladdin? Seriously.

We had such a wonderful time and our host and hostess couldn't be better. Time with good friends, their kids and of course my family is something I will always cherish. There were definitely some wonderful memories made on this trip and I can't wait to do it again!