
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Indian Summer

I needed to be thankful for this unseasonably warm weather we were having.  In the bitter depths of winter, all I want is to be outside at the park or the pool with the girls.  But I just wasn't having it this time.  I was ready for a fire in our fireplace and snuggling on the couch wrapped up in the softest blanket, watching one of our favorite Halloween movies.  I was ready for fall, and it finally came!  We filled up the little pool one last time this past weekend and the girls were thrilled.  It is not too often they will be able to swim at the end of September in the Midwest.

There are a few things to me that mark the end of summer.  And one of those is the last great tomato harvest.  My tomato plants did not do very well in my garden bed.  I think they need to be in more sun so I will try and put them in a different spot next year.  Tate's grandma was gracious enough to give us a large box full of fresh, ripe tomatoes.  I never met a free tomato I didn't like. 

I wasn't sure what I was going to do with all of these bad boys.  I had two thoughts: eat a sh*t ton of BLT's or turn it into sauce.  I made sauce.  Although a BLT sounds lovely right now.  *Second guesses choice*  We have been making this creamy chicken/spinach/tomato pasta every other week so making a sauce was the more practical choice.  I tossed the tomatoes with olive oil, minced garlic, basil, salt/pepper, and Italian seasoning. Then I roasted them for about 4 hours @ 250 degrees. 

After they were done roasting, I let them cool for a bit and then tossed them in a blender with some sugar to reduce the acidity.  It turned out good and went great with the recipe linked above.  

We've been fighting sickness already in our house. Libby's face in this picture cracks me up.  Whatever we were doing, she was over it.  Her favorite thing to say to new people she meets is, "See my finger, see my thumb, see my'd better run!"  Then she giggles.  It may be a youngest child trait, but Daphne doesn't give two sh*ts about anything (except suckers and obtaining said suckers).  The other morning I was in such a hurry to get out of the house, but she was nonchalantly taking her time brushing her teeth and rinsing off her toothbrush.  Not a care in the world.  The girl runs on her own time. #RESPECT

I hope you all have a great rest of your week and a restful weekend!  I'm excited for margaritas, soccer, football, and pumpkin donuts (in that order)!  XOXO, Chelsea

She is water.
Powerful enough to drown you.
Soft enough to cleanse you.
Deep enough to save you.
-Adrian Michael-

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